Online Session: 07/01/2009: Community of Educational Technology Support at UW-Madison

I've been invited to speak to the Community of Educational Technology Support at UW-Madison about my use of Twitter and other disruptive technologies in the classroom via an Adobe Connect session. This is something I am really looking forward to as I am sure it will spawn lots of good conversation. I'm very grateful to the folks at UW for putting this together and inviting me.
I plan to spend some time reflecting on the CI597C course Scott McDonald and I co-taught and how we implemented our deisgn to include both rigor and emerging technologies. The session will be hosted in an open Adobe Connect room provided by UW. If you are interested in learning more, take a look at the event page.
My slides for this event in PDF form.

Connecting Alumni Communities

This morning I talked to a large group of Alumni Association staff about ideas related to connecting communities. The talk was titled, Emerging Trends for Connecting Communities, and focused on the emergent opportunities within social environments, content creation spaces, and the rise of mobility. It is always quite a bit of fun getting to talk to people outside my specific area of focus and I always discover that we have far more in common than I expect going in.

Another nice thing was that I got to give the talk in my old stomping ground at the IST Building … in the IST Cybertorium no less. That space has a lot of memories for me — I spent several years working on planning the building with colleagues and then several more spending nearly all of my work time walking the halls. Each summer I got to teach my PA Governor School scholars in the Cybertorium and loved every minute of it.


Nothing too earth shattering with today’s talk other than it served as an amazing reminder of how interesting all of what we do is to people in general. The ideas related to connecting communities move effortlessly from teaching and learning to alumni relations. I think one of the things it means to me is that the work we are doing in promoting digital expression and engaging via mediated platforms is in the sweet spot. I really don’t think it has anything to do with the technology per se, but instead in what the technology provides. I received a good question about how to get alumni service groups to break out and embrace the new environments (he was asking specifically about Facebook, Twitter, etc). I responded in a way that I think surprised him a bit — I asked him to ignore the technology and instead start to press on what it enables. Alumni Associations are all about staying connected with their communities … so if his administration is balking at Twitter, why not ask if being able to stay ultra connected to a very active network of people is important? Coming at it from that perspective it gives you a wedge to then introduce a solution that fits that scenario.

It was a fun and very thoughtful group of people. It is honestly a real honor to get to talk to people outside my domain and have it be received in such a positive way. I especially liked getting to tell someone what ROFLMAO meant when it came up in a Twitter search. This is powerful stuff and it is relevant in so many ways … if one stops and investigates the affordances and not just the tools.

Odd Week

Last week was strange on several levels. It was an odd set of experiences that have left me more confused than usual … so much so that I have been unable to figure out how to write about it all. I attended and presented twice at the Chronicle of Higher Education’s Tech Forum event in Washington DC and while I was really excited to attend I left feeling a bit down. I don’t think it was the event that did it to me, I just think the overall vibe was way outside of my sweet spot. It was a crowd that seemed to be much more interested in yesterday than tomorrow — and as a critical reflection, that may seem a bit short sighted or jaded but that is how I left feeling. If you look at the Twitter search results from the hashtag I introduced I think you can see a bit of the tension, although there may have only been a dozen of us using our Internet voice while things were happening. It felt like an event that was working really hard to connect with fresh ideas, but was not quite ready to let go of old constructs and have some really difficult discussions. With that said, I did learn quite a bit and I met some really interesting people while there … to top it all off, I got to present and spend time with a great friend and make some new ones. I am honestly hoping the CHE does this again and maybe invites some of us to be a part of the planning for the event. I would definitely go back — if they’ll have me.

As a personal aside, I firmly believe my talks did little to stir up the crowd in any sort of proactive ways — there were lots of folks who dismissed what I had to say as being fluffy and not based on the perceived rigors of traditional scholarship. Of course I was running a risk by showing youtube videos of Charlie getting his finger chomped on, but I wasn’t using the videos as the message — I was using them as a metaphor for the explosion of new forms of conversations happening all over the social web. I know for a fact I missed the mark with at least one audience member who had his hand up even before I finished … his comment created a strange segue into the open discussion portion … and he was serious.

If that is scholarship, we are all doomed.

Never mind the session was titled, “Building the Classroom of the Future” … these folks wanted to hear something else. It was very comforting when a woman in the audience raised her hand and told an amazing story about her 8th grade son who decided to (on his own) create a new religion. At first I was nervous where it was going, but the way she described his passion and his intensity as he researched existing doctrine to come to his own conclusions was the exact right kind of example we needed to get back from the edge of being “doomed.” Interestingly enough I spent time talking to one of the other people in the audience who really challenged my notions and he was far more interested in having a dialogue in a more private setting, even telling me he found the talk “engaging and interesting.” He didn’t seem that way during the session as he told me that all this was fine and good for the soft sciences, but there is no room for distractions in the real sciences (he was a mechanical engineer). Not sure I agree and when we did talk he told me how he does use youtube to show difficult concepts.

But perhaps the biggest stir came after the event when the Chronicle ran two separate stories on my message … the first was titled, “Web 2.0 Classrooms Versus Learning.” I was a bit upset with the use of the word “versus,” but I am guessing conflict sells — I felt as though a more appropriate title might have used the word, “supports” or even “and” as a replacement. Oh well … it created some dialogue. The thing that seemed to blow the doors off it all came about as Jeff Young from the Chronicle called me as I was driving home to talk to me about some things I mentioned about how my colleague, Scott McDonald, and I used Twitter during our classes. In the piece titled, “Professor Encourages Students to Pass Notes During Class — via Twitter” my ideas come off as a product of a crazy mad scientist using my students as guinea pigs and my class as an out of control research lab. The comment stream speaks for itself — this is a heavy debate and one that I am really hoping to engage in here locally. I think we have a lot of new opportunities to capture students imagination and engage them in new ways — if we are looking to be a bit crazy … well, here’s to the crazy ones!

And so it was an odd week that has me wondering if what I have to say really does resonate with people or if I am getting the polite nod because people actually think it is all bullshit. Not sure, but I am working to check my own confidence level and working hard this week to get my mojo rising for our own TLT Symposium. I really need to hang out with a group of really engaged and excited educators to get my head back on — and trust me, we have them here at PSU! Maybe I’m not ready to deal with the truth that nothing we do will matter outside these walls — or maybe that is the bullshit in it all. Perhaps those who call it all fluff are holding onto something that no longer exists, maybe notions of control, or maybe that never did exist? I don’t know. Do you?

Presentation: 05/14/2009: Faculty Academy 2009

I will be a featured presenter and a workshop leader at the University of Mary Washington's Faculty Academy 2009. I'm not sure what I will be talking about specifically, but I know since I am heading down to Jim Groom's turf I'll need to step it up a bit. I'm using the same title as I usually do for my talks, although I have some plans to mix it up a bit.
Engaging the New Classroom Conversation
During this talk we will investigate key trends impacting educators in their overall design of learning. Focusing on the emergence of user-created content, social spaces, and mobile devices we will take an integrated look at how we can better utilize technology within these areas to meet the needs of our students. We will also explore how these technologies have, and continue to, impact both faculty and learners and review some active examples within each area. During this talk, we will focus attention on how educators can leverage selected disruptive technologies to shape learning outcomes in new ways.
From the conference website:

The Faculty Academy for Teaching and Learning Technologies is a free annual event hosted by the University of Mary Washington. This year's conference will be held May 13-14, 2009, at the University of Mary Washington's College of Graduate and Professional Studies. For the past 14 years, Faculty Academy has brought together faculty and staff from both campuses at UMW to share and celebrate the year's efforts and accomplishments in the classroom, with teaching and learning technologies as the specific focus (or, one might say, catalyst) of the event.

Presentation: 01/21/2009: Educause Learning Initiative

Also while in Orlando for ELI, I have the additional privilege of sharing work being done here at Penn State as it relates to blogging and ePortfolios.  I get to share the stage with Dr. Carla Zembal-Saul and Brad Kozlek.  Both of these individuals have had a huge impact on the success of both our blogging and portfolio advancement in the last year.  Carla was a faculty fellow within ETS last summer and her work pushed us in new directions and have helped us rethink the blog platform as a social portfolio space.  Brad has been the project manager for our blogging initiative and has some serious insight into this space.  It will be a real blast to share these experiences!  Session description below:

The focus of this session is to discuss the blogging platform at Penn State as a vehicle for student e-portfolios. We will share the ways we have begun to take full advantage of the fundamental aspects of blogging and the richness of the blogging culture to engage Penn State students in professional discourse communities around frameworks and problems of practice associated with their chosen professions. In cases where this information might be used by programs for accreditation, reporting, and/or self-assessment purposes, we will share our vision for capturing student evidence at specified points across their programs.

See details at the Educuase site. You can grab our slides as a PDF.

Presentation: 01/20/2009: Educause Learning Initiative

In two weeks I'll head to Orlando to ELI … while there I will be part of two presentations.  The first will be with colleagues from across North America.  I am lucky enough to be playing with Jim Groom, Alan Levine, (and remotely) D'Arcy Norman and Brian Lamb.  This is a real thrill as I make sure I know what this crew is up to at all times.  Each are pioneers in our community and I honored to get to work with them!
We have a blog setup that will hold all our materials.
Session description below:

The presenters have evangelized open personalized publishing platforms and have struggled with establish closed environments as the basis for teaching and learning with technology. Their overall quest has led them to find powerful and flexible online publishing platforms. In a series of lightning talks, the presenters will share work at their respective organizations that they believe to be useful to others in the teaching and learning community. Each will select a project or problem that poses a significant challenge, which will then be discussed by all attendees.

Find the description online at the Educause site.

Presentation: 10/24/2008: Penn State Communicators Conference

I was invited to speak to a large group of people responsible for marketing and communications across Penn State.  This was a relatively large group of about 90 really interested people coming from all campus locations to learn about what is going on with University Relations.  I spent a little over an hour sharing the embedded presentation and answering questions.  It was a terrific audience that really seemed interested and excited about the ideas we were sharing.

View the slides for this presentation at SlideShare.