TLT Symposium 2008 is Here!

So the day after my Birthday and on the day of my Dad’s Birthday I am heading to the Penn Stater Conference Center for the 2008 TLT Symposium. No need to go into detail on what this thing is as I’ve been talking about it for months, but I will say I am excited. Excited my be a bit of an understatement as I am so jacked to watch Lessig deliver the keynote this morning. I was lucky enough to spend several hours with him yesterday, mainly listening. My favorite quote from the day was when he was talking to people from our Public Broadcasting group, “Public Broadcasting should focus more on the public and less on the broadcasting.” It was just one of those kinds of days.

At any rate, Lessig gets started this morning after PSU’s President Spanier provides some opening remarks and introductions … I can’t tell you how stunning it is that our little event has ballooned into something of this size on our campus. Not only do we have hundreds of faculty coming from all over the Commonwealth, we have learning designers coming — and that is where the real buzz is. I have been watching the excitement build in my Twitter stream for days and weeks now … it is so cool to see and I am really looking forward to meeting some new friends from my own campus and getting to hang out with the ones I’ve known for years! So, more posts later today both here and at the Symposium site … the Flickr feed of public images is already exploding as is the Twitter space for the Symposium, and the Hashtags site — all worth a peek. I gotta get dressed and get out the door.

Oh, Happy Birthday Dad!

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