DoIT Core Values

When I arrived at Stony Brook I was thrilled to see a team in DoIT that worked hard every day to help support and grow this University. I continue to be struck by the overwhelming commitment we have to the mission and goals of Stony Brook.

With that said, all great organizations need to promote and believe in a core set of values. I had the chance to work with our senior leadership team in the creation of value statements that I shared with each of you in our Yammer space. Looking back at that thread there was a very lively and engaged discussion over the formulation of our final statements. What I have below represents the anchor points for us as DoIT. I am proud of these statements and will use them as a guiding framework in my work going forward.

  1. Communicate: We are committed to engagement, communication, and sharing information with a human voice.
  2. Grow: We will actively hire great people, develop their growth, encourage a healthy work/life balance, promote a diversity of voices, and support our staff.
  3. Satisfy: We will work to delight our customers in the innovative delivery of our solutions and services.
  4. Engage: We will work collaboratively across the Institution to provide a responsive IT environment that enriches and enhances teaching, learning, service, and research.
  5. Innovate: We will encourage innovation, even where concrete business benefit is not initially apparent.

Over the coming weeks you will see these promoted more in our spaces around campus in various forms. I want us to continue to engage in conversations around these values and continue to build meaning from them to help guide our decisions and actions. These are principles that can give us agency in our ongoing initiatives and should provide sign posts to guide us towards always doing the right thing.

Updated Heartbleed Bug Information

Due to our current understanding of the Heartbleed Bug that has impacted the majority of the Internet, I wanted to provide you with a brief update on our progress and immediate next steps. We have no evidence that any Stony Brook University system or user credentials have been exploited by the Heartbleed Bug. However, we feel in order to protect your data and the institution’s data and out of an abundance of caution, you should change your Stony Brook NetID password.

via Heartbleed Bug Information.

Innovative Spaces

I had an excellent meeting today with some colleagues in the College of Business to discuss the Innovation Center here at Stony Brook. The real point of the meeting was to look at space and discuss how to best use and support it. What I saw reminded me of a blank canvas that I know could be transformed into something that would inspire the faculty, students, and clients who would participate in it. One of the other things we discussed was the inclusion of a One Button Studio space to support pitches, practice presentations, and the like.

I promised the Dean I would assemble some photos from spaces that I have either had a direct hand in or have visited. So instead of sending them in an email, I just decided to post them here. Most of these are from Penn State … the Krause Innovation Studio in the College of Education. I was lucky enough to have a hand in that one and even to teach in the connected classroom … the space is unique in that it is designed to be a BYOD space — with large collaborative tables and displays. Really a great space. There are also a few pictures from the Pattee Library Knowledge Commons, one of our larger computing labs with collaborative spaces, and some spaces from a visit to the University of Michigan. I am happy to talk learning space with anyone interested.