The Team Resume

Team Resume Activity: To Be Completed in Class

Each of you has a unique array of talents, skills, and experiences to offer your team. When working in teams, it is important to understand what each person brings to the group. By getting to know your fellow team members early in the semester, you will be able to leverage each of your individual talents, skills, and experiences as you proceed through the course.


The purpose of this exercise is to provide you with an opportunity to familiarize yourselves with your other team members and gain an understanding of the vast talents, skills, and experiences each of you can bring to your individual groups.

Activity Duration

Your team will have 20 minutes to create your team resume. You will then be given 5 minutes to present it to the class.

Activity Directions

Your team is tasked with the job of creating a “Team Resume.” This team resume needs to reflect the most predominant talents, skills, and experiences your team has to offer. Each team will be required to come to the front of the room and present the team resume to the rest of the class. Use Microsoft Word to create your team resume. Your team resume should include, but is not limited to, the following:

  • Team Name (This should be something that uniquely identifies your team)
  • Team contact information
  • Names of each of your team members
  • Hometown, State, and/or high schools attended
  • Previous work experiences
  • Special skills and/or talents of team members (These can be technical or non-technical in nature)
  • One interesting thing about you and your team
  • Save the file with the name … “team_##.doc”

As you complete your resume, you can IM them to me at the podium so they can be shown up front while you present your team to the class.

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