Week 3: Educational Podcasting

For the next few weeks we’ll spend time diving into specific technologies and envisioning ways they can be used to support instruction. The first one we will attack will be podcasting. I’ll provide you with a baseline lecture that will hopefully demystify the art of podcasting enough that you can begin to produce your own podcasts. I would then like to engage you in an activity where you will break into groups, discuss an idea for educational podcasting, and create a leson plan that you will write up and present to the class. I’d like to be able to openly critique these ideas and see how we could engage in some iterative design around them — you know, improve them via group think.

Each Working Block is 30 Minutes

  1. Lecture: I Hear Web People: Podcasting in 60 Minutes (2 Blocks)
    • Finding and Subscribing to Podcasts
  2. Break
  3. Group Activity: Podcasting in Education (3 Blocks)
    • Assignment details to follow


  1. Find and listen to an educational podcast and report on what was done well and what wasn’t. How would you change the design of what was done given the context of our discussion in class? Provide a written critique of the podcast.
  2. Reading: The Cluetrain Manifesto
  3. Add links to your del.icio.us account using our shard tag

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