Poem: The book of US

Chapter I. Period 2.

Poem 1

Every man has his faults
Do you agree?
Who would not
A man of certain stature
Regarded by those around him as a constant mockery of life
Dwelling among those who know less than he

Oh! he may believe!
’tis but a lie.
Neither mighty nor majestic
Eager to prove his worth
If he were only man enough to do so
Lost in his ignorant world
Left unto his own

Those, who art gazing upon this, this being thine mighty scroll, must be gazing upon this! Yes, he who hast read thine most majestic and poetic scriptues, thou dost realize that thine eyes must examine thine margins. Is it not so? Do you not yet comprehend the deeper meaning? Is it not true of the one we speakst of? Has it not been clear that the one we speakst of, dost have but two L’s with in his most indecent name, as the place in which the most unholy Prince of Darkness dwell with in the very bowels of the earth! The place, none other, of which we speak ist called hell. Wouldst thou agree?

Most humbly yours,
